All WordPress plugins and themes available on the WpBignar website are distributed under the General Public License (GPL), meaning you’re free to redistribute them. If you choose to share a file, we’d appreciate it if you credit WpBignar as the source, helping others find more information or updated versions.
Copyright Infringement Notifications
If you believe content on the WpBignar website violates copyright law, please notify us. Send a detailed email, and we may display a copy of your DMCA notice in place of the removed content. Be aware that under Section 512(f) of the DMCA, anyone who knowingly makes false claims of infringement may face liability for damages.
As per Lenz v. Universal, a copyright owner proceeding with a DMCA complaint must have a good-faith belief that the content doesn’t fall under fair use. WpBignar reserves the right to review the material and determine independently if it infringes. Any information you provide may be forwarded to the uploader and possibly shared (without personal details) for educational or research purposes.
WpBignar does not host any content that violates copyright. All products offered on the site are licensed under the GNU General Public License, which permits lawful redistribution.